Feb. 2, 2016
The blog has been neglected which usually means that I am
feeling quite good or the opposite.
Either end of the spectrum inspires me.
Except for the times, usually in the morning, when I shuffle along or do
one inch strides, nothing really bad has happened. Sunday evening was the exception. The Parkinson’s group and their partners held
a Tea & Tango and it went very well.
We all danced for an hour or so and then had tea, coffee and treats and
a visit. I was fine all day, but by
supper time I was exhausted and went to bed very early. Physically I’m in pretty good shape and
dancing the tango isn’t hard work, but something absolutely made me
exhausted. Felt better in the morning,
but being in bed that long had made my leg muscles tighter than usual. My balance was ok, but it took a bit of
walking around the house for my muscles to loosen up.
Some time ago I mentioned that I had brought one element of
the bathroom to the bedroom. For years I
have stumbled and shuffled to the toilet during the night. My balance and foot-work are never very good
at that time of night and although I have had small crashes into walls and door
frames I haven’t had a bad fall on these trips.
With a small plastic pot and foam rubber kneeling pad I can just slip
over the side of the bed and “Bingo” there I am. The bed is on one side of me so I have good
support, aiming is easy and except for the sound of rain on the roof, it has
been a perfect solution. (Have you tried
Previously I mentioned that the little timer we got through
Amazon died after only a couple of months.
A different one has been ordered and I will report on it after it gets
into use. The pill timer is a good idea
as without mine I frequently forget or get busy and distracted. Better luck this time.